Berkeley Electronic Press announces the launch of Drug Policy Analysis:
A Journal of Substance Abuse Control Policy. Journal of Drug Policy
Analysis focuses on practical, policy-analytic insights on the problems
and policies of drug abuse control. Short peer-reviewed articles and
essays analyze every aspect of the policy problems posed by abusable
psychoactives, licit and illicit, anywhere in the world.
Readers may access any of the journal�s articles at no charge. You may
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Using data-driven and conceptual approaches, as well as the methods of
the social and biological sciences, the humanities, medicine, public
health, law, law enforcement, and public management, the journal
emphasizes informed policy analysis: the stakes in a given policy
choice, and the terms of the tradeoffs among the values and interests in
Edited by Mark Kleiman (UCLA) and Beau Kilmer (RAND), Journal of Drug
Policy Analysis drives the public and scholarly conversation about how
to deal with the issues surrounding drug policy, a conversation of vital
interest to drug policy researchers, criminologists, economists,
physicians, and those who make decisions about drug policy.