
Innovative Approaches to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

Joint meeting at the European Parliament hosted by Member of the European Parliament Ana Gomes and co-organised with UNICRI

Brussels, 31 January 2019. Political violence and societal extremism worldwide are neither diminishing nor contained and continue to represent a national, regional and global threat. Since 2005, the European Union has been addressing with an increasing degree of political, technical and financial commitment the issues of radicalisation and recruitment into violent extremism. However, violent extremism and its associated threats continue to undermine the security, societal cohesion and values and culture of inclusiveness of Europe.

The event that will be organized on 31 January at the European Parliament (from 9:00 to 11:00 am) will be hosted by the Member of the European Parliament Ana Gomes in cooperation with UNICRI. The meeting aims at bringing forward a practical and inclusive discussion on how to better understand the phenomenon of violent extremism, its root causes and level of threat, and how to better prevent and counter it. The event will represent an opportunity to promote a more rational and coherent formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs across the EU.

Within this framework, UNICRI will share insights and first results from a EU DG NEAR funded 4-year programme Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism in the Regions of Sahel and Maghreb. The programme involves more than 70 actions implemented at the local level by civil society organizations in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, Mali and Mauritania. Focusing on access to justice, inclusiveness, social cohesion, economic independence and community resilience and engagement, the programme relevant actions aim at addressing the key drivers to violent extremism and strengthening coherent and effective responses.


Drawing on over fifteen years of experience in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism, and as a member of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact, UNICRI supports the UN’s Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy by strengthening local communities and civil society organizations in preventing and countering radicalization and extremist activity. The Institute works with vulnerable populations, particularly at-risk youth, to promote empowerment and prevent radicalization. UNICRI is also conducting programmes on rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremist offenders and returning foreign terrorist fighters both in prison and in community settings.

For more information on the event at the European Parliament please send a message to [email protected]

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