
Pilot Training Courses on Investigating and Reporting Racism, Hate Crime and Hate speech online

Pilot Training Courses on Investigating and Reporting Racism, Hate Crime and Hate speech online

Londonderry , 23 June 2014. The North West Migrant Forum, in collaboration with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), will be delivering two Pilot Training Courses on Investigating and Reporting Racism, Hate Crime and Hate speech online from  23 to 26 June.

This training is designed for a selected group of law enforcement authorities, legal professionals, statutory bodies, employers, Trade Unions, NGOs and other experts in the field of integration and community-building projects based in Northern Ireland.

The pilot training courses are based on the training manual “LIGHT ON: Investigating and Reporting Online Hate Speech”, which has been prepared by UNICRI within the framework of the LIGHT ON project, supported and financed by the European Commission Directorate-General for Justice (JUST), under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme.

The training manual’s contents, methodology and materials to be used during the pilot courses has been discussed and reviewed during an ad hoc meeting by a group of high-level experts coming from five European countries (Finland, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and UK/NI). The North West Migrants Forum played an important role in the final development of this manual which resulted to all the experts' inputs included in the final version of the manual and the pilot project being delivered in Northern Ireland.

For more information on this training please contact Lilian Seenoi, [email protected] or Elena D'Angelo, [email protected]

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