
Cyber Threats Masterclass for journalists and public information professionals
Cyber crime and the use of the internet for terrorist purposes - deadline 2 October

Reporting on cyber crime and the use of the internet for terrorist purposes

Turin, December 2016. The rapid progress of information technology has been one of the key drivers for global development in the last years. However, these advances have generated new threats for the increasing connected world.

Cyber threats are on the rise as cyber criminals are developing capacities to potentially attack millions of users and to break into digital infrastructures, putting at risk the very same functioning of modern societies. Cyber warfare, cyber espionage, automated cyber attacks, online crimes against property and persons embody growing transnational menaces. Furthermore, terrorist groups use social media and encrypting messaging platforms to radicalize and recruit new members online, posing offline security threats to states and citizens.

Conversely, governments’ responses to counter cyber threats and to safeguard national security are triggering an ethical debate: are security measures restricting civil liberties? Is freedom of expression in danger? Media is a key component in promoting awareness with regards to potential gains and risks of the digital era.

Journalism & Public Information Programme on New Threats

Within this constantly evolving cyber landscape, knowledgeable and accurate journalism, and responsible public information are needed more than ever to frame ethical debates surrounding new digital trends and complex security issues. To deepen the understanding of these challenges, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) organizes a specialized course on cyber security from 1 to 2 December 2016.

The course is tailored to journalists and chief information officers, as well as those who want to specialize in this area. It aims at increasing knowledge, accuracy and accountability with regards to reporting on cyber threats as well as fostering dialogue and exchange of experiences between different sectors in this area.

The new edition of the Cyber Threats Masterclass will be led by renowned international experts in the field of cyber crime, terrorist use of the internet and the role of media. The course will be held at the United Nations Campus in Turin (Italy).

The Masterclass is organized within the framework of the UNICRI Journalism and Public Information Programme focusing on new threats to states and citizens, in particular those associated with the onset of globalization and technological advances.

Deadline for applications: 2 October 2016 (23:00 CET)

For more information please contact: [email protected] - Tel.: (+39) 011 6537144

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