
Major Events: an Opportunity to Enhance Critical Infrastructure and Vulnerable Target Protection

Lisbon, 28 February 2013. A seminar on “Major Events, an Opportunity to Enhance Critical Infrastructure and Vulnerable Target Protection” will take place in Lisbon on 28 February 2013, organized by UNICRI in cooperation with  the Government of Portugal.

According to UNICRI Director Jonathan Lucas “When major events take place, a multitude of stakeholders have shared responsibilities for security, including the protection of critical infrastructures and other vulnerable sites. In this regard, significant security challenges are to be addressed collectively.”

Against this backdrop, the seminar seeks to share best practices on how public authorities, the business community and civil society organizations can together harness and jointly utilize available skills, experience and resources. Presentations during the event will focus on coordinated prevention measures and integrated security solutions that can protect critical infrastructures and vulnerable targets during major events from a wide array of risks, threats and vulnerabilities. 

The event envisages the participation of high-level representatives from national and international institutions with significant experience in security matters including the protection of critical infrastructures and vulnerable targets.

Presentations on major events, such as the Euro 2004 in Portugal, the 2012 London Olympics and the 2014 World Cup in Brazil will provide opportunities for sharing information on challenges and successes and stimulate discussion on enhanced security strategies and collaboration in the future. 

The initiative is part of the UNICRI Public-Private Security Policies programme.

For more information please contact [email protected]

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